Silversmiths' Guild Newsletter December 2016

Members' Only Field Trip: Sunday 11th
This sunday there is a members only field trip to do some rock hounding. Partners and family are welcome as well. You should have received an email with the details already. If you haven't signed up but want to come, give Arthur a call on 3821332.
Silversmiths' Guild Members Club Night - December 15th
This is the last club night for the year so make sure you put this in your calendar and come down and finish up some xmas presents or just come say hi.
Silversmiths' Guild Annual Exhibition
Thanks to everyone who participated, volunteered and organised this wonderful event. We made some excellent sales and got our name out there. Thanks Anita for finding this lovely venue. We thought it might be nice to 'book it in' for next year if possible and they are still there. Remember to keep an eye out for great places that might be good for future exhibitions.
Monthly Members' Workshops
We had some wonderful workshops through the year. A big, huge thanks to all of our members who volunteer their precious time to pass on these great skills. This takes time and effort to organise and I am sure is greatly appreciated by all who attend. Obviously, we have finished the workshops for the year but thanks to all those who replied to the survey, we have some awesome ones planned for next year. In the beginning of the year, once a few things have been confirmed, we will post a list of ALL of the workshops for the upcoming year. This of course will be subject to change if the need arises but gives you a great chance to book out your calendar in advance. Sign up however will be advertised when we open registration on each one.
A Little Inspiration
Cloisonné Jewelry Artist, Don Viehman works with enamels at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria Virginia
Follow this link to watch the Don Viehman Contemporary Cloisonné video on YouTube.
Have a wonderful holiday time and a very safe new year. Happy creating :)
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